Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Am i over stressed or gone crazy?
people say there stressed well iff i can give thim a little taste of my life thay will think twice ,(1) im epileptic and take meds for that for life and have to get my lv's tested every 6 months,(2) i dont have a job right now and every time i get close to geting a job i get told you need a CDL or go to the texas work force center. ps thay dont do there job at all your not qualified, over qualified or your job matches show nothing or no matches. (3) my dad losses the house i grew up in becase his directional drilling job does not pay enuff to pay $209.18 a month and falls behind 3 years + and he askes you to pay the back taxes ,property taxes just to be kicked out and you dont hear a simple sorry from him and he advoids your calls . (4) have a older brother that trashes the house and video records it and showes it to every one saying that i live like a pig thin leave after i offerd him a place to stay. I have one question do i have the right to complain ? do i have the right to say im stressed think about your life and befor you type ( well my ) this is the very tip of the ice berg. i can go on and it will start sounding like a jerry springer show thin turn in to the P,J s cartoon . so am i over stressed ? or am i just gone crazzy
I would greatly appreciate if u took the time to answer my question, what career i should choose (read below)?
you want a job that is basically east and doesn't require hard work there is no such job, even for the type you desire it still require hard work. I can't tell you what to do you need to decide for yourself
I need some educated diagnosis for my tinitus. Please read details and tell me what you educated speculations?
I have had some tinnitus since I was a child. I'm an epileptic no seizures for last 23 yrs. No seizure med changes for last 16yrs. 1 yr after I became a nurse, my ears started having pressure problems that still cause me to re pressurize them like one does when going up in a plane.MD's said it would go away on its own. It did not. I got used to it. I guessed that the frequent nose blowing or sniffing I had to do was the cause of that chronic problem.Yes, I have terrible allergies forcing me to take allergy med frequently .At one vision appt the md said I had high pressure behind my eyes.(Its in normal range now) Now the ringing in my ears has gotten substantially louder in the last 6 mos. I'm a nurse of 13 yrs and offend sit near a call light box designed to be heard throughout the hall. .The MD referred me to an audiologist who after testing my hearing said my tinnitus was due to hearing loss. The best thing she offered was biofeedback which she wasn't endorsing as a cure either. She said you just have to accept the fact your getting older. Traditional medicine has failed me. I've tried Quietusse, no relief for me. Can someone connect the ear eye and nose problems? Oh yeah the seizure med is carbatrol.
Getting a epileptic kitten Desexed?
I have a 7 month old kitten an she has epilepsy and i want to get her desexed so she can go out side and play with our other cat but i want to know if there would be any risks or anythign with her going upder for the opp?
Hypnotherapy or electroshock therapy?
well you see this is gonna be a long story so please take your time to read....I dislike the type of person I am as far as my personality only,ok I'm mix with white and black,19 years old,I am paranoid alot,my highest attraction are white women I guess cause my mom is white...but I like that part the things I hate about me is that I am paranoid,I'm depress alot,I'm lazy,I'm sexual not a pervert but I am addicted to masturbation ... (here comes the haters) back off bugs, I just need help ;),and I wonder cause I really wanna completely get rid of all my memories and I know this may seem bad but I'ma lie to myself and make a list of all the good things I was and use to like,so yea I am trying to have memory lost and I wonder should I do this through hypnotherapy or electroshock therapy? I hear electroshock would make you a better person but it causes brain damages and memory lost,and the thing about hypnotherapy I hear it brings demons into me my family are all christians.......
What is this stuff coming out of my penis?
i was just relaxing sittin in my "birthday suit"...not playin w/my self, just relaxin, but i looked down and there was this clear gel like liquid...was oozing out of my penis, what is it?
Do you think he is a loser? What is he thinking?
He sounds like the biggest loser. I thought guys like that only existed in movies. Get a new housemate and hide a spare key
How to treat sunburned face?
It's pretty bad lol. This is the third day I've had it. The day I got it my face was really red, but these last two days it was more of a brownish-reddish. The last two nights I've had this weird... liquid stuff oozing from my sunburned face (sorry, I know that's pretty gross). I think it's that kind of liquid stuff that comes out of blisters because my face did blister, though not very bad. It really only happened during the night so I think they popped or something while I slept as I sleep on my stomach. Any tips? I don't really care about the pain, it's bearable, but I just hate how I look right now lol.
Should a 17 year old be treated this way?
So I have a friend who is 17 years old and we want to know if this is normal. She just graduated high school and around our town it is hard to find a job if you are not 18, she has put in applications at many place, made calls constantly and still nothing. On the day of her graduation her step dad tells her that they aren't giving her anymore money and she has to pay the insurance on the car she drives and that they aren't paying her phone bill anymore. Her mom occasionally gives her money but everytime they have a disagreement her mom throws it in her face and makes her feel like ****. So she doesn't take money from her anymore. When her and her mom get into an arguement about something her mom constantly talks over her and threatens to hit her with a bottle or to "beat her ***". Do you guys think that it is right? She is a teenager and teenagers of course have attitude problems but do you think it is right for them to basically throw her to the dogs? They always tell her how lazy she is and that she doesn't do anything, but she basically is the only one that cleans.
Liberals: Can you dispute that socialism rewards the lazy while punishing the hard-working?
And those who earned their wealth legitimately? Then, why do you support such an oppressive system that seeks to rob from the hard-working and the wealthy to give to the lazy and parasitic?
How do i get my mom to take pictures with me?
Show her this letter, so she will realize how important this is to you. She should understand since she feels the same about her pictures. Then get a friend or relative to help you during get togethers. She will be dressed up more then and feeling better about herself. Good Luck!
My 4yr old son has 3 staples in his head from a pool injury. Is it normal for puss to ooze out of wound?
I've kept it clean and dry but when i picked him up from daycare today it was matted and yellow. I brought him home and put him straight in the bath. I tried washing his hair with baby soap and blotting to clean it. It just keeps oozing yellow puss and some blood. And of course he says it hurts. I put a little peroxide on it but i'm still worried.
Navel ring piercing bleeding! help please?
so i had my piercing done about 2 months ago and recently my shirt tugged on it quite a bit, it was in ALOT of pain and all of a sudden it started oozing a little bit more and my hole stretched a little bit, and this morning i woke up i had blood around my hole and was still bleeding but i cleaned it up! I've been cleaning it RELIGIOUSLY with H2Ocean but today i will go buy sea salt to soak it too! do you all know if its infected or what? will it heal back up in time?? im a little scared so someone please help me with answers! btw its not in pain anymore, that went away in a couple of days! now its just bleeding and oozing a bit but not oozing as much as it was a couple of days ago!
Are there any FREE programs i can use to record me playing a pc game and uploud it to youtube? This is free and records your screen. It also installs a toolbar which might be a bit dodgy.
Girls help..........................…
So i'm going to school and i was lazy so i almost didn't pass the Latin, so my professor let me pass it but in return i have to sing the five declinations next year(not literally) so i asked a girl from my class to help me and she accepted to do it, she will come to my house or i will come to her, i don't know yet, we still didn't make a deal about it, but when she starts explaining it to me, i want to turn the studying to some kind of date, any advice?
Would you be angry in my situation?
No you are not silly! This happens all the time. It really pisses me off too!! Confront your sister and tell her to get it together... to stop being a lazy *** and start working more hours. I think you can report her to her social worker... and they'll start investigating her and why she doesn't or cant find a full time job. My "mother in law" had 12 kids!!! she doesn't work uses the lame excuse that she cant because there will be no one to take care of her kids. Her house is dirty looks like a dump. Roaches everywhere, she doesn't know how to clean or cook. She gets a EBT card which is reloaded every month with a little over 1200 a month... she gets the government to pay her rent.. and she never has money! shes a horrible mother.... a horrible woman... just a terrible person who tries to rip anyone off or borrow money from anyone. Its scandalous. THE BEST SOLUTION is STAY THE HELL away from people like this... SOON ENOUGH they will try to screw you over as ur parents that you are different and you an live on ur own and be responsible and independent. and tell them they shouldnt encourage her or smile upon her lazy ***....theyll get pissed but theyll be proud you are doing it on ur own and your sister will be nothing more than just jealous and bitter for her sorry *** life choices!!! HOPE THIS HELPED.
My son is underweight can cps take him off his dad as im an epileptic (mum)?
i was at a case planning meeting with my ex partner who is a very good dad to both my twin boys and they love him to pieces!! ive not seen them from feb 11 but i was horrified to find out that one of the boys is only 1st 12Pd's!! and they have only given us 3Wks to get some more weight on him!! they will both be three yrs old in july....what can i do to stop the cps from taking my boys away?? and i suffer badly from epilepsy thats why ive not seen them.........someone please help im really worried about my sons and yes my ex is never away from the g.p's surgery he keeps saying as long as the CHILD is drinking fluids then there is nothing to worry about.................PLEASE HELP A VERY DEPRESSED MOTHER!!!!!!!! godbless
Ive had my lip piercing for months now and this wierd sore formed around what is it im scared i dont wana lose?
it formed 2 days ago its a little bit swelled i cant go to the doctor because i have no money and i dont wana take it out it luks like a cold sore it keeps oozing does any1 know how i can fix it with out taken it out it hurts rlly bad
Is my nose piercing infected?
I got my nose pierced a little over a week ago.. I clean it regualrily with sea salt and water.. the last few times cleaning the inside though, has made it pop almost all the way out, i have an L shaped stud by the way so it shouldn't just pop out like that.. but when i pushed it back in it was oozing yellowish clear gooeyness that hardens around the inside stem of the stud, and around the jewel of the stud.. is that an infection? it doesn't hurt much when i fix it back to place, or when i clean it.. it stings a teeny bit when i clean it but thats it.
Can an Epileptic person, who's 1yr seizure free, have an instant seizure relapse do to a major head Trauma?
Could a person who has Epilepsy but has been seizure free for over a year and has continued to take there medication have an have an instant seizure relapse do to a major head Trauma?
If I am not attracted to this boy why am I acting like this?
There's a new guy who has started coming into my work, he's 18 (I'm 17) and has just moved over from Ireland to get sorted for when he starts University (I've known his older brother for quite a while through work) well anyway the first time I saw this guy I kept catching him looking at me, he was joking with me about being lazy in work and eventually we started to flirt (I am a naturally flirty person) This is now are regular routine when we see each other but the thing is I dont feel I am attracted to this guy even though I am not attracted to him I tend to ask mutual friends about him and continue to flirt with him whenever we see each other. I am really unsure about what I am feeling for this guy if I am not attracted to him.
Tonsil/ infection issue!!!?
Tonsillitis/ infection help? I have had multiple sinus infections lately which keep getting passed between me and my two year old son. The drs always tell me its virul until it gets so bad I have to go back for antibiotics finally I had a sinus infection recently that got so bad before they believed it was an infection. The antibiotics seemed to help but my tonsils started playing up whilst on them and my son caught tonsillitis. Not long after finishing the antibiotics I came down with tonsillitis and had a severe case of body inflammation which left my legs dead arms numb and pins/ needles, my skin burning and agony in every joint and muscles and could barely move I went to the Dr but he refused more antibiotics even though the last lot obviously failed and told me he had no idea why my body got so inflamed but was worse for the infections I had been . He refused antibiotics and gave me naproxen and told Mr to wait two weeks to see if it clears up but now my tonsils are huge, oozing pus and I'm producing my tonsils are huge, oozing pus and I'm producing orange mucus... Should I go back? I feel they wil get annoyed o if I do. Do they sound incompetent?
Cyst or something like it.?
Ok, so earlier in the week I woke up one noting and relized my tailbone kinda hurt. Didn't think anything of it till the otherday it was still sore when hangingout with friends and kinda bothered me when I sat and eventually seen that it turned into a growth. Got on Google and looked up it up and came up with a Pilonidal Cyst. But mine doesn't really look like the ones in the pick and so I read on and decided to pop it at the white head and when I popped it the skin got red and irritated. Mine is just kinda like a big sore swollen pimple above my butt. I read on but could not find anything on treatment to heal it myself. To save money, I'm pretty tight on that right now. When it was popped it smelled ungodly bad. But now after day two prior to popping it, it doesn't smell and the puss is a light snot color and not dark greenish anymore and doesn't smell. Also doesn't ooze nearly as much or easy. Really only oozes if you force it too with pressure. What is there to do about the swelling? Any suggestions? I was told if I put anti-biotic ointment on it, that should help. Is that ok?
Who is really the crazy one in my family?
Wow, that was long. Haha, but it seems to me that you have some serious issues with your mom. Everyone gets annoyed by their parents certain qualities, but it seems like you hate her. Also, your question was basically asking "who's crazier." You didn't really give us too much background on your issues, so I can't exactly answer that question, however, I can answer your other one. If I were in your situation, I would talk to the other members of my family, see what they think, then confront your mother all at once. Don't gang up on her though, that's not the point. The point is to get her help. Be civil about it, and maybe she'll think about going to therapy. Hope I helped. Good luck with your situation.
No fridge/freezer what to buy?
My fridge broke and I wont have the money to buy one for a very long time. I was wondering... what to buy. I dont like canned foods I prefer fresh veggies/fruits but I dont like making things like soup and what not. What are some healthy/affordable things to buy for a lazy college student with no fridge/freezer?
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Pilonidal cyst? Really hurts!?
So I went to the ER yesterday w/ a fever of 103.5 and it was cause by strep throat but I thought it could be from the pilonidal cyst Ive had since I was 8 & Im almost 20 now. So I had the doctor check it out and he said it looked fine, not infected or anything, but ever since he pushed on it to check for oozing n drainage it is SUPER sore, cant even sit and its throbbing so much :( I have vicodin for the pain but thats barely cutting it. It is swollen now too, do you think it needs to be drained or something now? Ive tried squeezing it but nothing. Its all bruised now too. Do you think maybe the doctor just pressed too hard? It hurts so bad. Help!
My mom brings me down :(?
I'm sitting in my basement crying right now. Today was the first day this whole summer vacation I didn't get right up and get dressed. I decided to take a pajama day today. My mom came home from work and told me I was the laziest person ever. Then she yelled at me since I forgot to do one chore she asked me too, and even though I did it right away she was still mad. Once I had softball, and I had my phone in the back pocket of my softball pants, and it accsidentaly fell out into the toilet. Ik it's funny but I didn't use the toilet first. My mom told me I was soo irresponsible and should even be aloud to have a phone. My dad had to tell her that it was an accsident and he's done it a ton of times with him wallet. My mom just gets so mad at me and it always makes me upset. Sometimes she's a really great mom and really loving. But when she isn't it always hurts me. I love my mom so much, but I don't know how to make her understand that I'm not the only one who makes mistakes. How can I make her understand I don't like the way she treats me just because she's in a bad mood? Thanks in advance.
I haven't excreted in 15 months so far, It's uncomfortable but I don't like the feeling when it comes out!?
WHAT SHOULD I DO? IS THIS HEALTHY? I'm scared but it's just so painful, oozing out of a hole too small
I have been having partail complex seizures lately?
I haven't have any since my brain surgery since 2007 and now they have come back so has my headaches (although not the same) and my hand tremor. my MRI and CT is clean but I'm not sleeping and I'm extremely uncomfortable. my doctor doesn't seem to want to believe that my seizures are real because of this because they have Always been kind of weird. I was wondering what are they going to do about them? if they continue am I going to be considered epileptic? I wasn't before my surgery because the cause was the malformation but now that's not there anymore? I'm 19
Small Bumps above my earlobe piercing HELP!?
On each of my earlobes I have a small bump above my piercing. The bumps are painless and don't ooze or anything, they are just there. I don't keloid when I scar. I did get them done by a gun at Claire's and used rubbing alcohol after the Claire's solution ran out. The bumps started showing about 5 months after I got them pierced. I really need to know what wrong with them. any advice would help
Day 1: Did I eat too much for the day?
Eat too much?? I can tell you you need more than "a dry piece of bread" for lunch. Just use common sense.. eat healthy, well rounded meals, and when you exercise go 100%
My whole toe nail is falling off!?!?
So, i noticed my softball cleats were getting small on me. I kept telling myself I would get new ones but before I knew it the season was over. I noticed during the season that toe started hurting and then my big toe nail become bruised. I knew it was because of the shoes. Then it started oozing brown stuff (it looked like blood, sorry don't mean to gross anyone out) After that it turned greenish. It started becoming detached slowly. Today it is almost completely off. I could honestly pull on it and then it would detach completely. However, I know a new one will grow back but still. What will my toe look like? How long will it take to grow back? Also, how should I care for it? It's the summer and i really don't want to walk around toe-less with sandals. Please help me!
How much should my 9wk old mastiff puppy weigh?
I just bought a 9wk old male English Mastiff puppy. He is now 9wks and 3 days old. He weighs 22-25lbs (hard to keep him still) and he is 15 inches tall at the shoulder. Is he proper size for his age? He has Groppetti and Lazy D champion bloodlines. His dad weighed 220+ and mom 130+ not sure of their heighth but daddy was really "massive" but not as tall as his mom. I am hoping Zues will get BIG like 220lbs or more and tall. I know not to overfeed and all that I was just wondering if he is small, average, or big for his age. You cant see his ribs and he is "solid".Thanks in advance. I will be taking him to my vet but he is out on vacation till next Monday.
How to get rid of a pimple wound?
i have this blemish like thing on my face and its because i squeezed 2pimples clumped into 1 so there's this rd splotch now and occasionally water oozes out. what should i do? i have a wedding in a week and i wish to cure it asap.
What to respond to my coach's email?
My cross country coach sent me a really long email about how he was disappointed in my focus on the sport... and as I read the whole email I started bawling crying because he also basically insulted me to my face like 5 times saying I was lazy and that my attitude is unacceptable . He said that he was disappointed in me like 5 times for not having looked at the chart he emailed us that said what zone our heart rates were supposed to be in, and also he said that I "need a major wake up call" and the whole email I guess was somewhat necessary because I have been slacking off a little (not in my workouts though, in other things like wearing my heart rate monitor and such) but it was really really mean and it made me cry for at least an hour. I read it about an hour ago and I am still crying. I don't even know what to reply to him. Do I try to explain myself, or just say I will work harder from now on? Or do I might as well quit the team bc the email was so mean? Like I really do not know what to do.... the email was such a surprise. Has anyone else ever had a similar situation where the coach like corners you and tell you you aren't focused enough? helppppppp
Can you burn fat without exercise?
I'm not being lazy as i workout loads, but i was wondering, if someone didn't work out but stuck to a good diet, could they still burn fat?
Is my ear piercing ok?
Wash it with antibacterial soap and use some antibiotic ointment, I recommend A&D ointment. I would say that they are slightly infected but if you take care of them and don't irritate them for a few more months while they heal, they will be fine.
Dream about looking into a mirror?
I had a dream that I went outside my house and everything was gone some houses stil but for the most part piles of dirt were on the ground my bf gets out of work at 5pm it was 8pm so i was worried idk who it was that i spoke to but it was a older man who said to me it was the wind so i went into a room with a mirror I looked into my eyes and it was me and everything but i looked into my eye and i seen that my left eye was lazy and my reflection tried touching it i was like dont touch it but the weird part is only my reflection tried to touch it my reflection did everything i did until my reflection noticed my eye once it did it was like wtf is wrong with my eye lol as a child i did have a lazy eye and ive always had glasses the next thing that happend was i seen a statue and wen the statue arm connected with another ones arm in the oppsite direction It signified the rapture and i relized my bf wasnt coming back then everyone left had a small room they were assigned too money didnt matter anymore bc my bf supported me but everyone got the same size crappy small room that was the end of the dream but what does it all really mean dont say it was a relfection on myself bc i already no myself to a T there is no secrets i see how i really am, i always had dreams of dissasters and even predicted many things that happend but only years in advance, i always dream of hurricans and such and i thought maybe this was another one of them nightmares that wont happen but i tell ya my spiruality in dreams have hit max levels, my mom died in real life wen i was 11 i am 21 now i have had dreams god said to me he was going to let me see my mom and he did like it was UNEXPLAINABLE and i have even seen god in one dream And in another he spoke to me wen i was in outerspace and told me the reason I know the things that I no is because i can better understand them, my bf and no one believes me But ik what ik but i need help with this one
Can anyone give me a quick, and easy way to lose weight?
I am 16, 5ft, 145 pounds. Im just about to take my GCSE's so I dont really have time to do a major workout everyday. Im also epileptic and some of the best drugs for me, they wont allow me to have because they are worried about weight gain. So if anyone can suggest some helpful tips on how to lose weight quickly, or something i can do daily, thats quick then that would be appreciated. Im fully aware that losing weight is never easy and takes some people years. Ive been watching what I eat by doing a food diary, but I admit I could do more exercise.
Why Do Doctors In Arkansas act like Patients are Idiots?
I was referred to EVER TOUCHED my body and told me there was trouble with C-3, C-4 , C-5 and C-6 in my neck. And narrowing in 6 places of my spine. He said he could see something wrong with either my heart or lungs. There was clouding over my neck area where my neck joins my body. He never once touched my body or my spine at anytime. Told me he wanted me to have a Chest, Lung and Heart Xray done to see what was wrong. But then in the next sentence said he wanted me walking 3 mile 3 times a day. Said I was a little over weight. I know this. I have degenerative bone disease of my hips and walking across the floor is a Challenge most days. Just getting off the bed of a morning is painful. I wake up at least 3 times a night in pain. He told me to take Ibprofen for the pain. And sent me to physical therapy for some exercises for my neck and back. And they want me to get this traction device to put 20 pounds of traction on my neck 4 times a day for 30 minutes at a time. I told him I had trouble even walking 25 maybe 50 feet to my mailbox without being in such pain In my hip I wanted to scream. I got to the mailbox one day last week and almost past out from the shooting pain in my left hip. It feel like the Ball is trying to break off my hip bone or my pelvic bone is breaking. But he did not even seem to care. I asked what was causing the Numbness in my arms and legs and he basically said because I was fat and Lazy. And never answered any of my Questions. All he said was that what I have is Hereditary I got it from my mother and my ancestors. I said what do I have and he said Exercise is the key do it for 6 months to stregthen my back and then we will see if we need to do surgery. But after he said something was WRONG with the Heart or Lungs I am scared to do the exercises and or start the walking 3 mile from home. My husband is a truck driver and gone at least 16 hours a day. So I will have to walk by myself. I suggested getting a treadmill at least I could walk in the house still get my 3 mile in and be safe doing it. Where if something happened I could be by the phone to call for help. The doctor said NO walk outside and by a year I should be able to walk 3 mile in 45 minutes 3 times a day. When I was young and in Better health I could not walk 3 mile a day. I had Spinal Meningitus at 2 months old and was told all my life I would be lucky to walk past 30 I will be 50 in 30 days. I have degenerative Spinal Disc Disease. Arthritis Of the Spine and Degenerative Bone Disease. But the back Doctor Did not even seem to care. What I told him. He said do the exercises and we will see in 6 months.
What's the fastest way to get rid of this cold ?
I have an eye thats smaller than the other and its pink . It keeps oozing out this cloudy stuff . my neck is aching and my throat is killing me and my nose is all clogged up . please help ? thanks .
Anybody know of a intoxicating song that practically oozes energy?
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Is it okay to Bactroban on my cartilage piercing?
just using salt water and a cotten wool bud once a day untill healed, your over cleaning it and the cream is leaving it wet and open to infection. make sure you keep it dry when u get out of the shower / bath!
My sisters boyfriend hits us?
he hits me & my sister when hes drunk & my sister doesnt care & neither does my family wat should i do im 17 shes 25 hes 24 my brothers and dad would never hit me i could punch them in the face and they wouldnt hit me but i called him lazy and he knocks me out what do i do hes a gay ***** i hate him how do get revenge :(
What are some herbal medicines for my involuntary muscles in my throat?
what are some medicines or herbal medicines for my involuntary muscles in my throat.. i take clonazepam clonotril 2 mg tablet at bed time it is anti epileptic... but its not worth it. after my work i feel it in my throat and i feel nervous because of my involuntary muscles i cannot breath easily. what should i do? or what im going to do? why some people having this illness.. what are some remedies?
What would you do if you were me?
there is a job I really want to apply for, problem is you have to have a disability to apply. I am dyslexic and epileptic ( A small form of it, I rarely have seizures and haven't had one in ages; what normally happen is I blank out when highly stressed but I don't black out) My problem is epilepsy can sometime be a huge hindrance to employment it is not something predictable. I never tell employers about it after a bad experience. The job is for trainee producer in media; Should I talk about it or should I just focus on dyslexia
What kind of cover up should I use?
I have a large festering sore below my cheek bone. It is red, and oozes frequently. Any advice on makeup to hide it?!
Is it true saudi tension free nation ?
many people say and also feel and observer that Saudi is the most tension free nation of this century in this time of materials world while everywhere unrest. I think it is because of 2 layers of security in this country. One is due to god given strict but more benefit for all the humanity Islamic rules solve the problem of dangers crimes and other police what I found is that the most lazy police of the world but still how this country is so much safer to all the different nation people security. Even enemies has to admire at least in this positive point of this country. Compare to USA the highest technology and camera country but still could not control on crimes
Green slime oozing from my walls tastes bitter and made me sick?
last week i discovered green slime oozing through my walls. so naturally i tasted it and now don't feel good what do i do and what was it?
I have a rash behind my ears any help?
For maybe a year or so I have had rashes behind my ears. They peel, flake, itch, ooze and bleed slightly sometimes. I have been told it is contact Dermatitis but I do not believe that is the case. Any help is appreciated. It's really nasty cause it looks like I have dandruff! :[
__ ? __ Empty house what should i buy? decorate...?
Well one you cant go from a neon clock to a t-rex. Hehe! ok well it all depends on what you budget is! If you want the type of look that says this is my man cave but kindof classy and cool then i would get something less umm big (t-rex) you could def do posters or lazyboy! but just no t-rex ok! My favorite online shop would be If you go there they have everything!! and very classy and manly as you say! They can be a little pricy sometimes but free shipping good luck!!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Troube seeing (like I looked at a light for a long time) & Headache? -HELP?
I'm having trouble seeing, I have a headache, & I'm an epileptic who's been missing medicine because I'm waiting for my refill (I'm not sure if that effects anything thought). By trouble seeing, it's light when you look at a light directly & than look away & you have those little "blobs" in your vision. I have no clue what any of this means & I'm very scared. Help!
Why does my wife never give me credit for anything?
shes not appreciating you, you need to calmly discuss that you feel unvalued, and ask her what exactly she wants from you. If you cant deal with her demands then you need to decide if its time to leave.
Theres a lump on my lip. What is it?
I woke up bout three days and I had a pimple so I popped it. Then woke up later and my whole face was swollen including my lip. every night before, I would popped it some more and more yellow ooze would come out of it. So now it still there and there's a knot there the size of a quarter on my lip on to my nose. What should I do? some people have told me its a cold sore or fever blister.
How much should I run? 13 y/o girl?
I feel like I need to run and I'm pushing myself to do it cause I'm lazy, but I haven't been able to start yet cause of the weather. I have mild chronic asthma and I have since I was 4. I don't get alot of asthma attacks, and I can breath pretty well, I just have alot of issues breathing while running long distances. My doc said the more I do it, the more amune I would be. So how far/long (miles/time) do you think I could run? Also exercise tips to do at home would be helpful! Thanks!
Stop slugs in my living room?
I live in an old rented house, my garden is just a yard so I'm not sure why or where they are getting in. I find them every night in my front room so I put salt all around the skirting boards. Now they are in my bathroom! It looked like it was oozing its way out from under the bath! They seem to like a particular corner where I have a chest of drawers?! There is no food anywhere in my house for them that I can think of, no pot plants or vegetable peelings.
Is this a normal eye infection that'll clear up on its own?
You can try polysporin eye and ear drops that you can buy in a drugstore. 2-3 drops 3 times a day for 5 days. If it doesn't clear up, take him to the vet.
They say aspartame is bad for you.. but wheres the evidence?
Aspartame can cause 92 adverse side effects that are listed in a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
I Had Sex on the 14th Day of my Cycle, but My Boyfriend is Epileptic, is there any chance i can be pregnant?
By The Way, we have had unprotected sex for a year and half now.. is there any way that this time i will be pregnant?
What's wrong with my monroe piercing?
I got a monroe piercing about 3 months ago and about 3 weeks ago it started to form a sort of bubble of skin on the inside of my lip on one side of the piercing but it's not oozing or anything. I don't know what's wrong with it or how to fix it.
How do i know when my poison ivy is gone?
I had a little poison ivy on my forearm, started about last week today. It stopped itching and oozing about 3-4 days ago. And now it just looks like its drying up and there's some dead skin. Is it gone? Should i wait? Or what
Elderly dog; looks like mange but isn't?
My dog had severe itching and patches of hair loss. It turned out to be ringworm which was treated fairly easy with an anti-fungal cream. It may be worth checking into. Also could be a flea allergy. Some pets are really sensitive to fleas. My mother has a cat that had balding spots on his hind quarters but with monthly advantage flea treatment it has cleared up.
How mayn miiligrams should I perscribe this patient?!?
I'm a new doctor who recently graduated.. I have a patient with epileptic seizures and need to know how much depokote to give them.. they are 120 lbs.. please give me the recomended dosage that I should give them.
Need to know a song from the movie Miss March.?
When the epileptic girl is stripping for her boyfriend, there is a cover of The Divinyls - I Touch Myself playing. I would REALLY like to know who does this cover.
I feel like there's something wrong with me.....?
You are cool the way you are. You are not missing anything with the partying. You may feel left out, but you are not missing anything. Be who you are and believe it or not you will meet many people with your attitude in this world and they are the ones busy accomplishing their goals and setting the world on fire.
Why can't I start exercising?
when all else fails just exercise at home. go get some workout dvds or something. or go run outside. join a gym, which most have pools.
How can I be less lazy?
I really can't be bothered asking out women or joining a dating website or joining a club. I'm physically fit, tall good listener etc.
Its over I'm going to be homeless something is wrong with me?
Nah your not. Your just not a social person. I'd consider talking to a counselor or your doctor. Someone can help you :)
Are you an epileptic? I've never come out?
My mom had horrible seizures. I'm talkin break dancing and peein her pants. Hated to be alone with her. Never knew when it would happen again. She called it, "The Disease of the Caesar's". I suppose you might want to put a nice label on it. Anyone sees you in the full throws, sympathizes.
Epileptic seizures...types?
Your son need to be evaluated by a pediatric neurologist. They can measure the electrical impulses in the brain or do an MRI.
Should i leave him or not?
We have been together 10 (since 16 yrs old) and we got engaged and living together 1 month now. He cooks and I am supposed to clean but he works shifts so sometimes he is home during the week. I work from. 7:30am-4:30pm monday to friday and I attend a class on monday nights and I am usually at my parents from saturday evening to sunday morning. I wash, sweep and do whatever I can to keep our apartment clean but yesterday he said I was too lazy and untidy. I was really tired from work yesterday so I just wanted 1 hour of no talking and no physical contact to watch Law&Order but he got vex and slept on d couch last night. So should I leave him?
How can i get this pus out of my pierced ear?
Keep Cleaning it. I recommend using neosporin on it and avoid using anything containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide as this will dry out the piercing and cause even more irritation. I would also keep the cleaning down to around 2 times a day because 3 could cause irritation. Also, don't touch the earring or move it around only when cleaning it.
Chondromalacia for 10yrs someone pls help?
Hi,basically i've been suffering for 10years with this and the pain just keeps getting worse, i had surgery on my left knee had lateral release and patella shaven down but its just ended up worse,i had every anti inflammatory and pain killer, now on epileptic drugs, my right knee has also become really painful, had acupunture, physio and electro treatment. has anyone any other suggestions or advise?
Im really scared please help me! Is my lobe infected?
5 years ago i had my ears pierced and they got infected not i got them pierced again. It has been 6 weeks. I changed my earrings, the first time i had no problem. At night I had to change back into my studs so I took out my earring, But i couldnt find the back of the hole!! So I wiggled my earring back and forth for at least 10 minutes and my lobe started getting irritated so I had to put it in backwards (which worked). While I was trying to get my earring in it was oozing a clear liquid as well as some blood (i think)( i was too panicked to notice) and now im reallly scared!!! Will it get infected again? Now my ear lobe feels hot. Im scared please help me!!!
I am depressed and suicidal, I told my parents 6 months ago but they ignored me.?
"Worthless" "Pathetic" "Useless" "Terrible" "Always. Never. Good. Enough" WHAT THE @$$F@#KED donkey is that!?! "Your pathetic" and "useless" and they don't care about this? They're evil! Call the cops for child discrimination!
I hate my quality of life?
he is using you. there is something suspicious about staying on facebook all night too . you need to divorce, or something, and start living your life again.
Itchy, blistery bumps on feet/hands!?
Very common. Allergy sympton or caused by too active sweat glands.See a dermatologist/ or GP for real cortisone cream.
almost all of the restaurants in your area are hiring.....riteaid/cvs/lowes and home depot are also hiring....there are at least 3 gas stations in your area that are hiring...and 2 supermarkets...what's the problem?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Would you say my parents are harsh?
My mum and dad are great! I can't live without them. Although I have one issue, they don't let me on sleepovers! I am epileptic and so i guess that could be a tiny reason but even so I only have fits like once a year. My friends constantly ask why I can't sleep over at their house but the truth is that I don't know why. I have asked hem why and sat them down and talked to them but that dos not work so please nobody suggest that. But do you think that my parents are harsh or too over protective? Oh im 13.
Poison ivy is burning?
im 15. I have poison ivy on my left leg. It doesnt even itch anymore.its burning. I see blisters.there's four of blisters.I just now used clamy lotion. What that help? and for the pain, should i use cool water? and if the blisters ooze or pop ehat should i do? Help???????????????
Monkey brain, how to get over it?
so you know you have to do something, but you drag your legs and you feel distracted and you just can't complete the task you need to do. Stuff like school work or tasks at my job. Feeling demotivated and lazy lately. My brain doesn't seem to respond to things like money or gifts, I use to be able to buy my self nails or other stuff for getting good grades but now I don't care. My brain only responds to 2 things: hunger and pain. I considered asking my brother or friend to punch me in the stomach or something but I would rather handle the monkey brain myself. any suggestions? I can't seem to just force myself to do what I need to do.
My 11 week old shih tzu puppie got stung!~ HELP?
All we ever see in our yard is wasps, so I believe that it was a wasp, could not see a stinger, it was on the side of her head , just under her ear. It swelled up about the size of a with a white center, she did not have any reaction other than this, then the next day, it began to itch like crazy and she scratched it tell it popped and oozed and bled. I cleaned her up, applied neosporin for infection and made a little Elizabethan collar , so she could not scratch it again. (This all happened on a week end so no vets open of course, we have an emergency clinic, but it is $400 just to walk through the door, I have been there before!) So it is now Monday and the swelling has gone down a lot, and it looks a lot better, like its finally healing, do you think I should still take her to the Vet. She is very active, eating great, barking and playing as normal. Worried mommy!!!
What's wrong with my rabbit's skin?
I had a hamster with these symptoms one time, and the vet told me that it looked like a skin fungal infection. They have shampoos that you can buy to get rid of it. Make SURE your baby doesn't have ANY bugs that you can see, but keep in mind, some parasites are too small to see. Keep an eye on the wound and the flaky spots, if it starts to spread, take him to the vet! He may just have dry skin, or the cut may just be trying to heal. If you notice it spreading or him scratching at it alot, this is usually the sign of a fungal infection (kind of like the mange) or a parasite problem. Just keep an eye on it! Make sure it doesn't spread and that he's not losing hair! Good luck!
Why do i have blisters on my penis?
Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look.
I need someone to talk to?
I am a depressive cutter and epileptic, I really want someone to talk to, maybe a past cutter. I feel lonely and worthless. I have a gmail, and a yahoo to chat on. I really just want someone who will listen and give me advice.
Confused About My Marriage?
I am a mother of 2 loving children and have been married to my husband for just a little over 8 year.. Our marriage started off on the wrong foot, and the drama started 7 hours after we got married.. I found out on that day that the girl he called his best friend was also a girl he often slept with right up until we met.. She called my personal phone (unsure how she got the number) and told me that she could still get whatever she wanted from him.. That she would always be number one and that I should get use to that cause she was going no where.. Being it was my wedding day and with the fact , that after being confronted my new husband told the truth and informed her he no longer wanted to deal with her . I forgave him and choose to move on. Things went well and we got along great other then the few normal arguments , up until I found out I was pregnant with my first child. While pregnant I started to have a few epileptic episodes and was put on best rest.. Unable to help pay bills , The fighting got worse and towards the end or my pregnancy , my husband got a little abusive.. At first it was simple things like just pushing then one day he slapped me.. He told me it was from all the stress of bills and all and after a long talk we decided it would be best for us to move back down south to be closer to my family so we would have support.. After the move things started going great again.. My son was born and we both enjoyed being parents.. When my son was 6 months we decided to move as his job had relocated him .. We moved to New Orleans, and I started going back to work. That is when he lost his job.. Now in a new area , no support , new baby and yet losing his job , he started getting depressed and again the abuse started again.. It started with pushing , and shoving and that is when I choose to separate for a little while.. I got my own place and moved with my son and after some therapy we choose to get back together.. 3 weeks after he moved in Katrina hit.. We lost everything and had no choice but to move back up north where he was offered a new job.. 1 month later I found out that my birth control pills had not worked and that I was again pregnant. We were fighting more from all the stress and I ended up in the hospital , after he punched me in the head causing me to have a seizure that also caused me to give birth to my daughter at 6 months.. My husband was arrested after that and went to jail.. I got a order of protection and custody of my 2 children. Trying to save up money to move back to my moms , I found myself in need of his families support .. After talking to his mother, I decided to give him another chance.. It was at this time my life turned to hell .. My father found out he had bone marrow cancer and died a few months later along with his mother and father .. My mother ended up disowning me for going back to my husband and 4 months later my brother tried to kill himself by jumping from a 3rd story window .. During all this my husband was traveling for work.. I was stuck at home with no family , no support 1 new born , 1 toddler , a husband who I could not seem to talk to and being extremely depressed.. I started to eat more and do less around the home.. I also started to meet more people via social networking sites. This led to some online flirting that later after returning home , my husband found out about.. It only caused more arguments , and more drama in our relationship.. He started to say he had more work or would have to stay late.. I later found out he had reconnected with the original girl who I had found out about on our wedding day. In the end I ended up finding the 2 together in bed.. I left for a year and filed for separation.. He ended up going to therapy and getting on medicine as well as going to classes to help with the domestic violence.. 2 days before our divorce was final , we decided to give it another go.. Things have gone great for over 2 years now and besides the basic normal arguments, things have been better then ever , or so I thought.. A week ago he called me from work and out of no where he asked for a divorce.. He has not come home and will only answer his phone when it is the kids bed time .. He says good night to them and then hangs up the phone.. I tried at first to ask questions , like , why , where are you , what's going on , will you be back and so on.. This has only made him shut down more. To be honest , I just want closer if it is over .. He has not filed yet and refuses to do anything to help until as he says "the divorce is final".I have gotten a lawyer but have informed him that a divorce is not what I want.. In the end , and I know it sounds crazy I just want the marriage we have recently had , that has gone good , and the one that I have fought so hard to keep.. I will be honest in saying that I also feel almost stupid for dealing with all the before drama and not getting a divorce sooner like was planned..
Why are some people so lazy?
How can people do so badly in a class that doesn't require even the slightest effort to get an A or B? In my freshman and sophomore english classes, you never got homework. The only "home work" you had was to read an story out of the book, then the next day you have a quiz on it. He goes over the quizzes in class and you can pretty much cheat, and he wouldn't notice. The bigger assignments you did was write papers, do two speeches, and write journals. You didn't even have to put much effort, and you would get an A or B. But some people couldn't do a speech, or write papers. Why is it so difficult for some people? I don't understand..Why can't some people do the simplest tasks?
How do i cope with an epileptic who has sleep apnea?
My partner was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. After witnessing all three of his seizures I'm pretty scared. He also has sleep apnea which is the main cause of his epilepsy. At this point, I'm too scared to sleep. Considering he had his seizures in his sleep and he always stops breathing and the twitching I'm so terrified. How do I cope with this. I haven't slept in weeks. I know he gets annoyed with my constant worry so could someone please help me?
Can feeding a horse grain make him crazy?
I agree with your friend. Sweet feed is not good for pleasure horses. Should be reserved for racehorses and polo ponies. It makes them to high, and can cause founder. I would put him on a pellet or at least a textured feed.Cut the sweet feed, keep the oil.
Progestrone levels cause my epileptic seizures...?
and well i could potentially be pregnant and know the levels get even higher then, i feel very weird like im about to fit but i dont. i am on epileptic medication wich has controlled it for over 3 years but now im potentially pregnant im worried the tablets wont be enough as the levels are so much higher in pregnancy, thing is its a week yet until my period is due, i normally experience extremely tender breasts prior my period about 10 days before hand, its only 6 days until im due and my breats feel normal, this is why im worrying im pregnant?
How do I escalate a complaint with the/a housing authority? Is there an ombudsman in the UK?
We are having major problems with the housing authority. When we informed them that we got married (both of us with housing needs) and moved in together, rather than make the simple calculation/adjustment, they stopped paying the landlord of our property. This was advice given by CAB. Tell them and they will make the necessary adjustments. This was in January. The boiler broke and we have had no hot water for four months. We have had several meetings (always with different people and told different things - denying we wrote to them telling them to admitting we wrote and told them and that they have a record of it). Basically pushed from pillar to post.Now they have paid the landlord all the rent backdated and he still is refusing to pay for a new boiler. The upshot is, he will if forced fix it, but then he will give us 2 months notice to get out. WE cannot afford the deposit and subsequent removal costs in addition of the upheaval of moving. These are costs they say they do not cover, yet this whole situation has been brought about by them? Also, my wife is epileptic and the epilepsy association have told her that where we live is unsuitable as she should not be walking up and down stairs and we don't have a shower, and their is potential for her to drown if she has a fit whilst in the bath. Can someone point us in the right direction please? Thanks
What is wrong with me?
I am 12 years old, about to be 13. Here is the problem I am experiencing. In church and only in church I am experiencing some problems. It starts whenever I sit down in the pew after about 2 minutes, my head goes into a tremendous pain, indescribable. Then I start to go deaf and I lose my hearing at an alarming rate. I couldn't even hear the singing or prayers, they were only murmurs to me. My head is hot and it feels like it is going to explode. I zone out and my memory of what was going on around me is destroyed. My father said it looked like I was having and epileptic seizure because he said I was fighting to keep my head up, no I was not really tired. At the end of church I zoned out and I couldn't even see my parents leave, it was all back. Then I awoke to my senses and found people waiting to get out of the altar. THIS ONLY HAPPENS IN CHURCH. Is this serious? More importantly what is this?
My boyfriend is Bipolar and Epileptic?
I think the best thing you can do is be there for him. He needs someone to tell him it is okay. If you love him then it should not matter that he has bipolar and epilepsy. I think that if the two of you really try you can get through it together. I do not think there is much you can do about the epilepsy, but maybe you can see how you can help him with his bipolar. If he does not already go to a therapist for it, maybe offer to go with him. But honestly the best thing you can do is be there for him especially when he wants to talk about any of it.
Magic: the gathering, card ruling and terms?
the scars of mirrowdin card "necrotic ooze" refers to activated abilities. are these abilities such as elvish pipers? or like platinum angel? do tap abilities count? i have no idea what activated abilities means and the internet wont answer me. help?
My girlfriend says I treat her like crap?
:O What an atrocious excuse for a woman! You need to make it clear you're the dominant one in the relationship. Urinate in the new kitchen, and demand she cleans it up. Trust me, she'll do it eventually. Then repeat this process until she eventually makes you the food you require. If this process takes longer then 10 minutes, dump her.
My boyfriend is Bipolar and Epileptic?
Then be with him and help him through it. If you really love him then I don't know why you're even asking. It doesn't seem like you would ever leave him so go be with him :) Good for you
Help! Lazy eye in photo?!?!?!?!?
I have a lazy eye and when I take photos I take off my glasses, I look beautiful in this photo but my eye is squinked! My mum said only a photoshop could take care of it but I want to make it my profile picture on Facebook. I tried to take a new one but it didn't go out how I want it, what can I do?
If no free will, then why individual responsibility?
Buddhists claim that "all in emptiness" for reasons similar to the idea of determinism (everything is dependent on something else) yet they also acknowledge reality and promote compassion . . . . as to how these two concepts are compatible, the answer, they say, is irrelevant.
Navel ring piercing bleeding! help please?
so i had my piercing done about 2 months ago and recently my shirt tugged on it quite a bit, it was in ALOT of pain and all of a sudden it started oozing a little bit more and my hole stretched a little bit, and this morning i woke up i had blood around my hole and was still bleeding but i cleaned it up! I've been cleaning it RELIGIOUSLY with H2Ocean but today i will go buy sea salt to soak it too! do you all know if its infected or what? will it heal back up in time?? im a little scared so someone please help me with answers! btw its not in pain anymore, that went away in a couple of days! now its just bleeding and oozing a bit but not oozing as much as it was a couple of days ago!
My daughter just asked me about masturbation! please help!?
well i am a single dad so i dont know much about this stuff. but my daughter came up to me and asked me about touching herself! she said she didnt know what she was doing but she said it felt good and when she started to spasm it felt really good and this white gooey stuff along with water like stuff oozed out of her, well you know. and idk how masturbation goes for girls. i mean i know about periods and stuff of course. but she wants me to explain this to her. and we have a very open relationship so i have no problem with it. anyway can you explain to me how female masturbation works? like what was the stuff coming out of her? please help! ps she is 12 years old and no i am not "trolling" plllleeeeaaaasssseeee help!
How come when i *** it dosnt shoot out?
when I i masterbait it dosnt shoot out.instead it oozes out.i am not trying to be gross i just something is wrong with my penis and it scares me
How many "Na's" are there in the song "Na Na Na" by MCR?
i'm too lazy to look it up but theres bound to be someone who actually counted and posted it online :P
I'm so frightened of seizures! What is the name of a phobia of seizures?
whenever i see an epileptic seizure on tv or anywhere i freak out! what's the proper name for a phobia of seizures like for example claustrophobia is the fear of small spaces?
I have reason to believe my cat is having seizures she spazes and literally jumps up and attacks stuff.?
PS - i mean it could be long hair of A [ PERSON ] or wires dangling be the worst i seen and experienced was her spazes from one end of my room to the other and she clawed my lip in the process please tell me what real seizures look like friend a cats view becuz creepy part is im a epileptic but well im no expert on cats having it......thats why my kitten thats 1112 weeks having it is freaking me out HELP ME!!!!!
If my 5 year old son still wets the bed (about half the time), should I put him back in pull ups for night tim?
I trained my nephew to not wet the bed by constantly waking him up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I told him beforehand I was going to do this and that it was to get him to get into the habit of waking up if he had to pee. So I did this every night for about a month until he started getting up on his own to pee. Sure, it was an inconvenience for me in the short term, but not having to deal with those wet sheets and giving him confidence to do it on his own and get rid of his embarrassment in the long run was worth it.
Add strawberries to a Fondant cake?
Okay so ive been trying to fill my fondant cake with strawberries. First I'll layer the cake with buttercream, then lay out sliced strawberries and put on the second layer of cake.. this seems to work for a short amout of time unil the berries start dripping or like turning into ooze. which ruins my cake inside under the fondant.. um what do I do? can I maybe freeze the strawberries then layer them on the buttercream? that way it will hold for longer?
Is it possible to have this seizures and not lose conscience?
I had experience general seizures ,my hole body gets real stiff and i start to shake,my eyes shut down/close,and the reality is that I am not faking it.But I can still here everybody around and feel everything and im still conscience,i have never confess this,i have try but,the Dr. really don't get it when trying to explain it ones or Twice .so I have kept it a secret.i can not respond too quickly to anyone right after a seizure for few seconds or sometimes even minutes.but im still "aware".I feel beat up at times and relief at other times ,I dont get it,moody depending of trust level with others because is something i can not help and when I open my eyes,I dont want to face the world around me,its embarasing?people with little knowledge in this area + to religios = subgect to being judge.It does not matter because you know the truth,but it still matter peoples opinion-you can see it in there eyes and body language.So,I kind of withdrow/aisolate.oh by the way,please excuse my spelling English is my second language.please no joke,take me serious,i will this normal? or by the way my EGg 's test alway come abnormal electrical waves for my brain,epileptic seizures disorders, my first one at 21 of age,huh.jeez. I here a lot that people pee them self and do # 2 and im saying that in a respectful way to does that experience this my heart goes to them. but so far as far I know never has happen to me,thanks God.but all that happend to this people happen to me but not this other things again.good thing but-im confuse and they look confuse.i take a little wile to open my eyes.why?and to speak like I cant Communicate,i hated when it happens in the hospital they are so loud ,asking you questions-"hello do you know where you at"? can you tell me your name and last name?i can here,i want to answer.but i cant.or maybe?i forgot how too?hum...i just want too yell at that person ,shut up...why your screaming...go away,live me alone.there voices really put me in a bad you remember your name?of course!i understand why they ask..but is not enough with answering with my head.I just want to turn the other side forget about the world close my eyes and sleep..please tell me,what you know and uh is ok,need advice and encouragement too,can you tell?!,never had talk to someone with seizure disorders,it was a lonely world 4 a wile,today i was a bit more inform by the lady that did my Eeg test today.the test triggered me a seizure some blinking/jerking in my arms only...hhow bizarre.end up with headache and nausea's, feeling weird.but im ok.thanks again.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
My infected bug bite popped?
I was bitten by something and it resulted into an infection. I went to the doctor two days ago and she gave me antibiotics and specifically warned me not to pop it. Today i was wearing jeans and I felt the bite pop underneath the gauze bandage i had wrapped over it. It was been 9 hours since it popped and it will not stop bleeding or oozing pus, I'm still taking the antibiotics and I placed some band aids over the open wound. I'm worried about what this means and what are the next steps I should take.
I am married since 26years.i am husband is very loving and caring. he is late sleeper.i used to s?
I Could not keep awake for initial years we had sex.but later he started masturbating daily.I Took it when i have learnt that it was my mistake,i should have taken interest in sex,i am trying to have sex but he gets angry,says now we have become old.but lately i have heard of an extra marital affair of a much older person and i am really scared.i feel he is having someother sex it normal for a man of 52years to lose interest in sex.tho at times he is not angry but keeps his eyes closed and is dry.i feel satisfied that at least he was a his behaviour normal.i think i shoud be patient.i am 12 kgs overweight even he is obese,he dislikes me wearing sexy lingeries.all this depresses me.i am trying to slim down.iwant him to be sexy.he should crave for me as i am craving for him.can you help me.
Where can I get free Microsoft Points?
I want free MS points so I can get the new CoD BO map pack. I have the money but I'm too lazy to go to the store. I don't want to have to do surveys and I don't want to have to do anything. Just give me the link to a free code or somthing like that.
Is Bachmann a leech on society because she received almost $300k in state aid?
No the biggest corrupt party in the world is the republican party. People who vote for them are brainwashed by radio and tv commentators. Add a kernel of truth to some big lies and they seem believable. Did you know that there is an invention that came out which will replace gasoline? This stuff will be super cheap to buy, that's why they are releasing oil from the strategic reserve. I just made that last part up, but because I added the news from the strategic reserve, it gave it a kernel of truth. People buy into that.
Why are women so subservient, submissive and downtrodden in eastern cultures?
I'm originally from Bangladesh, a small country in South Asia. Actually, my parents are from there. I was born in Italy. But my roots are from there. I went there a month ago to see my sick granddad. And I am sickened by how the men their treat their women. They treat them like cattle and property. It is a highly patriarchal society. The women cook, clean and look after the children and don't work. 99% of women there are traditional housewives who bow down to their husbands and kiss their feet. My mom however, is a doctor. She is one of the very few women who work. But she still cooks, cleans, looks after my little brother and works. My dad is unemployed at the moment. He doesn't do anything. He just eats, sleeps and goes to the toilet. He occasionally helps my mom. And my parents live in Australia, which is a western society. Sometimes, I wish I could teach my dad a MAJOR lesson. But how? I honestly don't understand how my mom could bear all this. My dad is not that bossy unlike the other Bangladeshi men. He does listen to my mom and he DOES what my mom tells him to do. But he just has a know it all attitude that annoys me. Well, anyway this isn't about my family. It's about my auntie and other women who go through the pain. My auntie is among the 1% who go to work in Bangladesh. She told me her everyday scenario from first thing in the morning is waking up, making breakfast for husband and then apparently getting scolded and getting divorce threats from her husband for making a crap breakfast, then going to work in a crammed bus, and then taking bs from sexist boss. She told me her boss teases and makes fun of her for working because she is a female. Then, after a long & tiring day at work she goes home again to be yelled at by her husband. Her husband accuses her of coming home so late! WTF!!! This is SO messed up! I mean her husband eats FREE, doesn't help around the house at ALL, doesn't work and yet he yells at her for working late so that HE gets his daily bread! And my auntie is actually a housewife. She has to work because her husband either can't find a job or is TOO lazy to work! And the rest of the 99% of women don't even get the chance to work because if they work they APPARENTLY will become DISOBEDIENT to their husbands and fathers and become too smart. They stay home and lick their husbands feet and tolerate their BS. The average Bangladeshi woman is dependent on their male relatives their whole entire life, from birth till death. From birth till maturity she is dependent upon her father. After that she is married off & is therefore is dependent upon her husband. And when her husband is old and retires she is dependent upon her son (if she has one). In marriages, the girl has to go live in her husband's parents house where she serves her husband & in laws, especially her mother and father in law. After that she is pressured by husband & in-laws to give birth to a son. I have seen guys go as far as divorcing their wives and marrying new ones because their ex wives have failed to give birth to a son. The women have no say in public matters and society related issues. They are are usually told to shut up because they "don't know anything". I am horribly disgusted with this disgusting attitude towards women and relieved at the same time because I am lucky enough to not be in their shoes. I want to know why these women are so subjugated and oppressed. I really don't understand. Thank u to people who have decided to read my long and rather boring rant! It really feels good to let out all of that frustration!
My dad has had a minor heart attack?
Hey, ok, im richie and 18 years old and a couple of year ago my dad had a triple bypass because he had angina (minor heart attack) i live with him and my younger brother who is epileptic, my dad went through all that then a few months later my brother had to go for an operation to remove a brain tumour, when this was taking place my dad suffered another attack, i was at school doing my GCSE's and he was down london at Great Ormand Street hospital, we live in newcastle, thing is he had a minor heart attack the other day due to stress as we have all had a pretty rough time, im abit worried that he's on his way out because we have out own house, we have a few classic vehicles that the rest of my family are not happy about, they will want me to get rid of them and they have all been left for me and my brother, there might also be a risk that i will have to move down south and my brother will still be living up hear, we wont see each other for along time, things are pretty bad at the moment, i dont do much to help my dad like chores, its not that i dont want to, its because i have depression, he knows it but other family members thing im just guilt tripping of just in a sulk, could i have some help maybe, just to sort my head out abit?
A question for cigarette smokers:?
I have been intending on quitting and have more recently for 3 weeks. Its just that I have an epileptic disorder and whenever I feel tense or after I have a seizure it feels like after a cigarette I feel a little better. I also feel like when I'm worked up they make me feel a little less upset. Does this seem to happen to you? What do you think?
Is going to Warped Tour alone a good idea?
honestly i heard that warped tour is huge so it might be a bad idea... there might be some pedofiles there and **** like that... but if i were you i would want to go alone too.. i know how you feel none of my friends like those bands either... if it helps any im going to the one in indiana in july, i cld be able to hang around you so you dont get stolens :3 lol im just kidding you probably wont... try to go alone and see what happens (you might want to carry a cell phone or something tho)
What is a good diet plan for an epileptic how is trying to lose weight?
I would like a list of foods an epileptic can eat that will help lose weight... I've looked around and can't really find a good list so if someone can even give me a better idea of where to look that would be great to.
Pink eye or just irritated?
If its just red and puffy its probably not pink eye, just irritated. Its its red and really itchy and kinda sore and oozing any kind of liquid, it could be something like pink eye and you need to see a doctor before it spreads to the other eye.
What is wrong with my cat he is loosing weight and hair and has a small sore/hole were the hair is gone?
He is an indoor/outdoor cat, and has been extremely lovey lately. The sore on his side is pebble sized and it is oozing a clear puss. And the area around it has a lot of hair missing. What is wrong with Joe Joe?
Why would any US doctor accept medicaid patients when Feds hold up monies routinely?
They took an oath to heal the sick. Despite what Obama says, many doctors give their services away for free to the poor. In fact, in the days before medicare and medicaid the poor received treatment through charities and generous doctors.
SAHMs what would you do?
I know it's hard but don't let them get you down. You seem to be doing a great job and you are an amazing mama breastfeeding twins! I would follow the advice given earlier about asking you husband what he would want you to do. I mean, if he wants you to work, pay for someone else to watch your babies and have to buy formula then he isn't looking at the big picture. It costs him less for you to care for babies, clean his house, make his dinner, feed babies for free... good luck and keep up the great work!
OKAY. my mom and me went walking and before that we heard 2 gun shots... benji screached but they normally do when the dogs hear guns.. and we went for a walk and came back.. i went for a shower and my brother texted my mom to check benji (we dont no why but he just did) and benjis head was under his little house and mom took the house off his head and he just scrambled but couldnt walk!!! it looks like his neck but my uncle came over and lifted him.. and reckons its his back but now hes saying he might be epileptic!? he said he stood him up so its not his back, and he can move his neck .. ? so whats rong.. do ye think he's going to live..? hes my favourite out of the 2 dogs so./. :(
When will my brands i got at a party stop oozing and bistering?
when i wasnt looking my friends branded me twice on the forearm. this happened last night... when will the oozing and blistering stop??? and what will it look like healed?? the brands were peace signs but they dont look like peace signs on my arm now!!!!!!
Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab?
Another freeloader, welcome to the US where the freebies abound ! This lazy woman who is being told to do this by her lazy husband. Shouldn't she be stoned if she speaks with a male customer? Or, is she wanting just some of the Muslim freedoms and laws? Funny how they certainly believe in lawsuits! Part of having a job is wearing the clothesor uniform the employe says not what she wants to wear. She may have worn the rag in the interview but she did not work there at the time. Who would employ themselves at a place with such a high profile for THE AMERICAN LOOK.. then Scream victim???? due to my religious beliefs, i am forbidden from having any muslim touch my purchases, so you must submit to my beliefs, i demand it! yeah, sure. At least she doesn't have to worry about being stoned here. America needs to adopt the belief of Australia.. Your welcome to come and live amoung.. but the moment you are no longer willing to conform to our basic standards... GO HOME.. This is America..but using our fore-father's statements, misconstruing them for YOUR advantage is old.. GO HOME.. where life is "less miserable". If the Muslims don't like the American policies then by all means they need to go back to their country where they have so many more freedoms!!!!!!! I'm going to openly admit that if I see a muslim in a store I leave. I feel like they're traitors in our mist sort of thing. I do not trust them. I won't even fly because I won't sit next to one. Look at what they do to their own people, even in THIS COUNTRY, and tell me why they should be accepted and trusted. THE COMPANY SHOULD NOT HAVE HIRED HER----- THEY NEED SOME NEW HR PEOPLE---IT IS OUR RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY ONE---ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE WHO HATE THIS COUNTRY----DISRESPECT THIS COUNTRY---ESPECIALLY THE MUSLIMS---On second thought , maybe they should keep that lice infested head covered ! You never now what new disease is lurking under that filth . If it looks as bad as it smells it must really be contagious. You ever do an arab chick? They are o.k. once you shave their vaginas and underarms and wash them with soap and water underneath there. In this particular case, she does'nt have any grounds for a law suit whatsoever. This company did not discriminate her. If they discriminated her, they would have never hired her in the first place. They hired her, gave her a chance, and then when she would'nt go by the dress code, she was fired. It has nothing to do with discrimination.
Men, please answer- Unhappy Wife?
I have been married for about a year and I am feeling increasingly more depressed. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it, and I would just like some advice. My husband is a seasonal worker, and when he is home, he gets so lazy and all he does all day (literally, ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT) is play video games on his computer. He is pretty much in another world. I feel like I am annoying him when I ask him to spend time with me, and he only spends time with me if he wants a "break" from playing his video games. I am so bored at home because I don't have hobbies, I am an active person and I love to go out and do things away from my house, but I don't want to do everything by myself. Am I being unreasonable by thinking that he should try to spend more time with me? We are about to have a child and I'm worried about what kind of father he will be. I am thankful that he loves me and provides for me, but I just don't feel happily married. I would appreciate any adivce.
How do I know if I was drugged?
I went out with my best friend last Friday. We went to eat, and each had 3 rum & Cokes. I left my drink on the table for about 15 minutes when I went outside to have a smoke. I don't remember leaving that bar. The next thing I know, I woke up in a motel alone on the other side of town. The friend I went with said that we went to another bar, and then I disappeared. I didn't feel like I had had sex, but I did have bruises on the inside of my thigh. I am 30 years old and VERY happily married. My husband doesn't know what happened. I am TERRIFIED to tell him. How do I know if I was drugged? I'm also epileptic.
Why does six flags suck?
ok, yeah it is only my opinion but when i came from places like disneyland and universal it really does suck. all they have are roller coasters. no cool themed rides. i just went to the one in new jersey went on a couple of rides, but i still wanted a ride like the mummy or space mountain that had great production value and anamatronics. then i found out about the dark knight coaster. going through the cue line i thought it would be epic but then i got on it.... needless to say it sucked. why cant they provide GOOD themed indoor rides for people like me? do they even have a motion simulator in any of their parks like star tours or something like that and if they do i bet it sucks.are they going through financial troubles, are they lazy or are they just broke so all they can provide are these boring *** rollercoasters? if anyone knows why they have no themed rides please tell me.
Is he just being lazy or is it actually hard to do this (GUYS)?
I like my guy to hold me up against a wall when we're making out (ahhh, i loooove it). He does it sometimes but usually puts me down and says he's tired. I'm about 5'3 115 pounds and he's about 6'1 and 160 (lean build). Is it really that hard? :(
Fed up Guardian/Sibling?
Ok, my brother doesn't have epilepsy. But he does have ADHD and MR. My mother had some of the same problems with him(mostly the stealing), but he lies quite frequently also. He is now 18 with the mentality of a 12 year old. She was also very frustrated in how to discipline him while he was younger, and even now since he still lives with her, and isn't all the way "there". He only had a mild form of MR from being so under-developed(born at 27 weeks), but it can often times be very hard to handle and is irritating because he doesn't act his age. He lives at home, moved his gf in, is trying to get her pregnant, and plans to marry her with no job, no money, no drive, and everything he has he stole from others. She also tried talking to him about his behavior when he was younger, and it didn't work. She tried taking away privileges and time outs...didn't work. When all else failed, she would whoop his little ***! It worked for about a year and he straightened up, but after that, it was back to the same things. That no longer helped either. She has found something that does, however. I know you said you don't yell at him, but so far that's the only thing that's worked on a permanent basis for him-to get his feelings hurt. He tries to do things the right way now, has stopped stealing and lying, etc. He is afraid to disappoint because it hurts his feelings to get yelled at, or know anyone's disappointed in him...goes back to his mentality level. Children HATE to feel like they let their parents down. In fact, they had the talk about all the things I mentioned before and he got to feeling that way. Since then he has enrolled in college and gone every day, is putting off the wedding and the baby talk until they have some money saved up when he's done with school(going for masonry), put in applications, and even has a job interview Tuesday. He has left the gang he was in, doesn't fight with the siblings so much, tries to be more honest, hasn't stole anything else since he got caught with stolen bike, and shows much more appreciation and respect for my mother. Not saying that's 100% to work, but it's worth a shot. Of course, it won't happen overnight, but soon enough. I also used to be a para at a preschool and also volunteer as a teacher's assistant when I was in middle school for mentally handicapped children, and that worked for them as well. I didn't yell at them obviously. But if their actions were out of line, I did express to them what they did wrong and that I was disappointed, and they straightened up as well...just a thought. Good luck!
Since it is becoming clear that if Obama does not back down to Republicans on the Debt Limit that a default?
Last thing I heard was that Obama has NO involvement in this whole ordeal. He is out campaigning while our country burns.
How would i find a lost cat?
Ok so a week ago june 21 2011, (skip to the bottom if you are lazy and want to get to the point)my cat DooDoo who is 1 year old and is a siamese lynx cat male(neutered) and he escaped late at night and i have done a lot of research on how to find my cat but i haven't had any luck finding him. he is non timid so he probably went far but he has come back last time he got out. he also chases other cats and hunts in forests far from our house. now this time he got out at night so i was wondering since we are sorounded by HUGE forests and fields, were he would have gone? we looked and yelled EVERYWHERE! we put flyers everywhere and we have only got one call about a dead cat simalar to our cat but he was found almost 10 miles away from our house. is it possible for a cat to go that far? let me remind you he is not afraid of anything, not even cars. also would he re-home himself after a week? PLEASE HELP! hes a major part of our family. we also have 2 outside cats that CANNOT come inside.
My bunny has been lazier since we entered summer????
He may be losing a heavier coat so it may make him hotter making him very sluggish and what appears to be lazy
Very very ill right now!?
i can not breathe hardly my chest is pounding my heart is racing i am coughing nauseous and have back pain i am diabetic epileptic and have a history of chest pain diagnosed by angina and i smoke 2 packs a day someone please help i have no way to get to the hospital my current time is 7:57 p.m.
My cat wants to sit in the dark bedroom?
I think it's to get away from my dog he's a chihuahua and he tries to Juno the poor cat all the time. But my cat who's a make gas a heart condition and it worries me^ he's spending so much time in his own in the bedroom. He hardly eats when he's in there I just want to know if he's depressed or something? At night when the dig is in his cage the cat will come and rub his head against me^ sit on me^ and purr. Is he lazy? Or could he be I'll?
"Bromance" ruined by my best friends girl!?
Its easy to grow attached to anybody and you guys had a special bond. Do you think that maybe you have a fear of losing your friend.
I have a large pimple-looking "thing" on my reproductive organ?
Dude, it's a pimple. Yes, they do ooze out pus quite often, just depends on the type of pimple. Could also be a bug is summer and those things have a way of finding their way to the underwear area frequently...Man I probably have 5 bug bites (probably mosquitoes) in that area and always wear long pants except in bed. If your a virgin forget about STD's etc. Your okay
What do you think of this scene?
It was actually good in a not totally overbearingly romantic way it just sounded a bit rushed. Hope this helps:)
HELP!! i think my my hamster is dying...please help?
So i have this 2 years old teddy bear hamster..for the past week or so it developed what i believe to be an eye infection..because there were like weird pus stuff oozing out and last night i decided to clean it..and got some eye cleaner.. Bausch and Lomb soothing eye wash..and this morning..i find my hamster barely breathing..what can i do?
Does anyone know what I should do?
You're husband is very immature and selfish and my advice is to file for divorce and get out of this marriage. Listen to your gut feeling honey and what is right for you.
Is my ear piercing ok?
It's probably infected. Put alcohol on the earring and your earlobe everyday & try twisting it. Thats what your supposed to do when you first get it pierced. You also may be allergic to that certain type of earring. I have to wear 14k gold because of my ears. Just try not to wear fake things, like the cheap ones at Claires.
What kind of plan should i have for afyer high school? ?
Am i too late to make one? Its my last year... & and i dont want struggles.... My last 3 yrs i didnt really try my best. But cause im lazy if i change my ways and fix my attendance and keep my grades up n stop bein lazy will i still be ok after high school? How do i make a plan? If im not too late... What should be in it.
Can marijuana lead to seizures? I do not have epilepsy.?
I have been smoking for about 3 years now and I recently had a random seizure while coming down from cocaine that I had done about 15 times. I got checked out and was proven to be NOT epileptic and the seizure I had was cocaine induced even though I had smoked right before this happened. I was wondering if it is dangerous for me to go back to things like smoking weed or do things like chewing tobacco?
Is it possible I have mono?
I kissed this girl two days and I haven't felt good. I feel a tad lazy, but not that lazy. My throat is a tad sore, and the left side of my tummy hurts. Is this mono?
When do you know your poison ivy is gone?
I had a little poison ivy on my forearm, started about last week today. It stopped itching and oozing about 3-4 days ago. And now it just looks like its drying up and there's some dead skin. Is it gone?
How to get rid of poison ivy REEAALLLLLLYYY FAST?
ok so im allergic to poison ivy and i went out biking yesterday. didnt touch any plants and came back home feeling fine. but i woke up this morning and the entire left side of my face is puffy, turning red and itches! i know its poison ivy because ive had it like this before, but it took almost 5 days to go away! when i realized what it was it was already oozing, but that was last year and this morning it was only starting to puff up and turn red. the bummer: i have summer party tonight at 4 and a graduation party tomorrow! HEEEELLLPPPPPP MMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Is my cat going into labor?
I woke up around 2 in the afternoon and ever since then my cat has been purring and rubbing her face on me, which she occasionally does for a few minutes at a time but she hasn't stopped and she keeps making a sound like mmhm as if someone's calling her name. She won't let me touch her bottom half unless im rubbing it. And she won't lay down her usual lazy way, which is on her side with her feet out, she's sitting on all 4s and her but is slightly raised. I've only had her for 6 months but she's fully grown now, and she went through heat. She's gotten out of the house 3 times I don't know if she could've gotten pregnant. And just last night i put some Advantage on the back of her neck where she cant reach, could she have licked it and gotten poisoned? My mom thinks she has to take a poop or something, but i doubt that's it.
How would i make sure that my pigeon eggs hatch successfully?
Doing what your doing now will not work sadly. What you need is to get a heating pad or a heating lamp. For a heating pad, you need to make a makeshift nest and place the egg so it is facing up. Turn the heating pad on LOW. You must turn the egg every hour. Also the yolk coming out means it is dead. The incubation of the egg is 14 - 18 days. Now for a heating lamp, get something similar to like a small can and make a makeshift nest. Don't put the lamp really close just enough so the egg is warm. You will have to check the temperature for the first 10 minutes to be sure it doesn't boil or overheat. Good luck!
Criticise my writing please? Is it good writing, or bad?
Not bad. Just watch the spelling and especially comma placement. Keep writing, you will get better and better every time.
Need to find out about employment labor laws!?
I need to find out if an employer can keep you from going to doctor when needed. My husband has had problems with pain in his back from infection called H. Pylori in his body for the past 4 months just now we have found out that it could be this infection. However, he drives a soda truck and we have been having problems out of this employer for awhile but due to not hardly any jobs around here he has been holding onto it for awhile. He can't even take his children to the doctor when they need to go because his employer claims that his job should come before them. I take epileptic seizures he isn't even allowed to take off if I was to have one of my episodes. There has to be something out there saying that an employer can't keep an employee from being off work if he/she is sick or is following doctor orders and if a family emergency goes on! Someone please help!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Would a girl go out with a guy who has no ambition?
Im 16 and have no ambition in life or anything i do. Im lazy and have no desire to be successful. Im a nice guy and above average looking. Would a girl date me?
Dog Epilepsy/Seizures! PLEASE HELP!?
Take him to the vet. It is possible that the seizures are affecting his hearing, so he isn't as certain of his surrounding.
God told me three times that I'm a grain of dust, why would he do this?
Because you are a gain of dust? Or do you think you are really human? Can't tell from the question.
I want to be raped by my husband each night, is it normal?
I love it when he becomes wild with me but doesn,t loose control. How can I ensure that he loses contol and rapes me each night. How can I have errect nipples to attract him as he always suckles on my breasts even when not having sex all through the night. We have been married since 17 years and have sex aleast 4 to 5 time one after the other during the night . He is very hot butdoesnot use any medication for his. He has to do it to me as he says he isonly attracted to me.He even ***** me during my periods. It hurts really bad but I wish to have it wild each time he gets his errection through the night.Is it normal to love to be raped and have uncontrollable wild sex so frequently. If due to any work or commitment he doesnt make love to me any night, I miss him too much, I am lost in these thoughts for the next wild session. I love the way he ***** me. I love everything he does to me. His touch etc. During the night while my breasts are in his mouth milk doesnt ooze out but i dont know what fun he feels but i get wet many times during the night.
Are boxer dogs really smart? or are they just really stupid?
Boxers are like that. They will act like puppies even in their old age. They can be stubborn so that's probably why he won't listen to you sometimes. Boxers though are very intelligent:-) I want to get a boxer myself someday, I hear and see that they are amazing dogs!:)
Are all doctors lazy? or do some actually care about their patients?
most Doc nowdays are in for money and are **** and Doc who actually enjoy helping people are somewhere in Africa :(
Is this funny enough for you to continue reading?
I am a quite sensitive reader. To me this wasn't really"FUNNY", as in comedy, but it was a good story. Nicely written! Good Job!
Who has the deficiency in reason in this situation?
It sounds like terrible parenting and treatment at school. It would be best if you don't dwell on it, since clearly you came through with a good mind. Leave all that behind and make your own better way. Good luck.
Is there any way to covince my friends mom to let her go swimming with us?
My buddy planned a swimming thingie at great neck park parkwood thingie.Prob is that her mom says she cant go till august cuz she doesnt know how to swim.i mean honestly you dont need to know how to to swim to go to a pool right.theres the lazy river and shallow there anything she could say strong enough to move her mom to let her go.weve been wait in forever.
Is this good enough for cambridge?
You stand a very good chance. Why are you doing two additional languages now? If you can maintain top grades in them then so be it but I suggest you drop one after AS
Is my belly button ring infected?
I got it pierced about two weeks ago I clean it 3 to 4 times a day with antibacterial dail soap but it's a little red and kinda sore and sometimes when I move it the greenish yellowish ooze comes out but I don't think its puss
Opinions on a short opening to a story?
I loved it. It was full of detail, which I personally think is important in a good story. And you have a perfect amount of it. Love the rhetorical question for the opening, I think that makes the reader want to keep on reading and find out the answer. It seems quite dark and morbid, which I assume is what you were going for? If so then you did a very good job. Keep going with this, it's captivating.
How long does it take to recover from a seizure?
me and my best mate are going out partying tomoro night to celebrate the end of exams, but today she took an epileptic fit and doesnt know if she will be better for tomorrow night. does anyone know how long it usually takes to recover??
Women's poll would you date this kind of person?
yes. i think the epileptic thing would be scary but for me, I've seen two people in my classes have an attack; was scary but the teacher knew exactly how to handle one of the attacks, and called emergency services. That wouldn't stop me from dating a nice guy. Also, a cell phone is important to make sure that your loved ones know you're safe (in general) so I would get one; so being flexible would be the only other thing that would make you perfect :)
How do i make myself study more?especially on science?
yah i study everynight and read my books but its seems like i want to encourage myself to study more cause sometimes i feel very lazy and i waste my time surfin the net and when im studying i cant help myself thinking about my facebook account if someone message me so i go check out and i forgot to go back to avoid distractions!
My son has a 10 gallon tank with glowfish and danios and neon tetras but it stays so cloudy that it is unreal?
ive tried daily partial water changes, vacuuming the gravel the ammonia level and ph are perfect and the nitrate level is ok...and it seems like some sort of ooze grow over night...does anyone have any ideas...and what is that stuff that looks like a clear kind of ooze that is coating everything, i have oscars and cichlids and my tank does not have this problem...thank you for any help that u may be able to offer...
Is the arrogance of general practitioners a universal phenomenon?
It sounds a bit like you've taken the same attitude toward medicine that many of us Americans have. The was I see it, specialists (like neurologists) are for cases that are difficult to manage or diagnose. Yeah, epilepsy is a serious condition, but it's a serious condition that can be well-controlled with relatively simple medication regimens in many. It doesn't necessarily take a specialist to be up to date on current guidelines and start off with the grade I-A recommendations. If those initial therapies don't work, then yes, it might be time to get a specialist involved. But once a definitive diagnosis is made by a qualified medical professional, long-term maintenance can often be accomplished by a GP very, very well (actually there's good evidence that pharmacists can also handle it). Being able to afford a specialist's care is not the same as NEEDING a specialist's care. Over-utilization of specialists results in a highly fragmented medical care model and drives up costs. Hence the big push for patient-centered medical home models...
My girlfriend had a bad seizure tonight. If you know about seizures please reply.?
Ok, my girlfriend is epileptic and she has had seizures in front of me before. so i know what to do when it happens but, I'm freaking out and my stomach is turning cause I was saying bye to her tonight and I gave her a hug bye and then she just fell out of my arms like she died. I knew what to do so I rolled her on her side and cleared any objects near her and made sure she didn't hurt herself. After her seizure I carried her upstairs and put her on her bed. After a seizure she is really tired and falls asleep so when I put her on the bed she was out. I had to leave cause I was really late but I told her brother to watch her and to tell her parents if she had another one. I get back home and call her brother and she had another one. It was really bad. Shes at the hospital right now. I called her right before she left for the hospital.I want to go but, she insisted that she was going to be ok and for me not to go. I feel like such a jerk I want to be there for her. Her mom called me when they got to the hospital and said she would probably be ok but, she did hurt her head real bad after the second seizure. I'm nervously waiting for a phone call. My question is, Is it normal for a person who has a seizure to have super bloodshot eyes while they are having a seizure? Ive never seen it before and Ive been with her for quite a few of them. Please pray for her. Thank you for your answers.
How do i get my brother to be a better person?
My Brother is 30 years old he has a 6 year old son and he is very very very immature, he makes stupid comments and swears constantly. I can't stand him. he doesnt make his son clean up his messes and sais he doesn't have to help to anything. I hate how he acts. I can't stand it. I live with my dad but I want to move so bad, My brother lives here too me and my bf have to do everything we have to clean and do laundry and the dishes. My brother doesnt do anything hes always at the neighbors and he lets his son control him. I have a 1 year old and he even yells at him and sometimes swears at him and he swears infront of him. He acts like he has to do everything but he is so lazy. I can not stand it im about ready to flip out. I hate him and I wish I had a normal brother. What can i do about this, My dads not home during the week so he doesnt know how he acts and he doesnt really car my brother is an asshole and needs to be more responsible i cant even stand being in the same room as him.
Is my belly button piercing still supposed to hurt?
I got my belly button pierced about a month ago, maybe a little less, and it still hurts. I clean it daily, but also been playing with it a little bit, but not much. It's not oozing or discharging anything, but it's slightly inflamed, and hurts at even the slightest knock. Is this normal? What should I do?
I'm 14. What's the possibility of my mom having a stroke while we were talking? Please help!?
omg im sorry sorry hun, Just try to pray, and maybe your mom will be fine ask god to help if you believe in god. because god always answers your prayers, always
Can disabled people get their rent payed for them? ?
I'm 16 and want to find my own place and I'm disabled and epileptic and was wondering if I get my rent payed for me and at what age?
What happens when someone has an epileptic fit?
Theres actually two kinds of epileptic seizures, theres the thrashing that everyone is familiar with, and there is something called an "absence". In both instances they lose consciousness, but with an absence, they just stop moving all together and can appear lifeless. All that they know when they wake up from either is that time has passed, and they probably are pretty sore after the thrashing one!
Is it possible to have hives and eczema!?
I have itchy raised bumps on my legs and arms only. On my neck, chest, eyelids,lower half of face and knuckles I have just a normal rash. They are really itchy,burn when i scratch them and cause my eyes and lower half of my face to swell. Eventaully its accompanied with dry blistering and oozes but only on my face. Could i have hives and eczema!? how can I tell the difference!!
Any neurologists out there?
perhaps it would be good to see your neurologist.. dizzy spells can be the result of medication toxicity as well. Get your levels checked. It's not stupid. in fact it is best practice to make sure..
Why did I wake up on the floor?
Basically, I got out of bed, and I had been awake for ages. I walked to the bathroom and I felt head-rush, but I kept walking to see if it would go away. I got to the bathroom, struggled to stand up and tried to lock the door. I remember hearing banging noises and then I woke up on the floor, in a foetal position, with my feet against the shower and my back against the radiator. I said 'ow, not again' as this has happened twice. I had to stay there to let the head-rush headache go away, and I stood up, and now I'm completley fine. I don't remember anything - all i remember is walking to the bathroom, trying to lock the door, hearing noises and waking up. I dont understand how i could have got into the foetal position within seconds - well that's what it felt like. My body banged against the walls and i heard the banging, it sounded really loud. I told my mum and she's worried, she thinks I might have had an epileptic fit (i used to have epilepsy when i was younger). She said if it happens again she'll take me to a doctor, but I'm really scared now. Please can someone tell me what happend, why this happened etc. thank you.
Is my ear piercing ok? Is it infected? How should I treat it?
Your ears sound to be fine, just really irritated. Claire's, who do ear piercings, should sell some ear cleaners that'll help keep infection away. If anything too bad, I would see a doctor just to get it checked out so no permanent damage (if any) happens.
Can I have brain tumor?
Sleeping with an alarm clock by your head can increase the chances.You should have no TV near your head when you sleep.Cell phones may increase the risk of cancer.I don`t know if you would have any symptoms at firstTake melatonin an hour before bed.This shrinks tumors and is a natural hormone in your body.Many people are deficient,due to sleeping with lights on.To much lighting at night.
Question about tongue ring?
the tip of my tongue is very red and has lots of bumps on the tip of my tong it dont hurt or nothing oozing but the tip of my tongue is red there nothign oozing out of the peircing
Do women like surgical scars?
Last year I had an operation done on my brain. In a few days I am going back for another operation, and another a week later. These will heal over scar tissue, making it thicker, so probably about a centimeter thick. I understand that a gang fight would make a better story. Some details behind mine, it started with a benign tumor and six years ago that acted up and caused encephalitis, or swelling of the brain. This destroyed a good portion of my brain tissue, and continued to cause me to have epileptic seizures. Last January I had the first operation done and they cut out a good portion of my temporal lobe, about the size of a kiwi fruit. But there was some damaged tissue that the scanners did not find. Not wanting to cause further damage they left it alone. However, that has continued to cause seizures, and they need to take out what was left. This coming operation will start with opening me up, planting electronic monitoring grids directly on my brain tissue. The portion of my skull will be sent to be preserved, and they will sew my scalp back over the grids. But I will still have wires hanging out of my head for a week. During this week I need to force myself into three or four seizures so the monitoring grids can locate it. And then for the second operation, they will remove the last of what was causing my problems. last year he made a 12.5 inch incision, this time he is using the same one twice. These will heal over scar tissue, making it thicker, so probably about a centimeter thick. I don't want this to seem like a "woe is me" story, there are lots of people who have it a lot worse. I also don't like to brag, but I still think that sounds tough enough.
Bug bites,clear liquid?
I have bug bites or something on my big toe atthe base,I went to dads hous today and I ran my toe under hot water.after I saw that it was two different colors and I squeezed it to release whatever was in it,I hear a Pop and clear liquid came out.the skin was loos so I pulled a little ot that off to release anything else,I have a smaller hole right behind my tOe nail;same toe;on the skin and both constantly oozing out a clear liquid since about 12pm says it's nothing just to keep it well medicated,what could it be and how can I stop the oozing of the clear liquid
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What does it mean when they say my baby is in the 15th percentile?
My child was in the 50th percentile and now in the 15th. My doc is putting me on 2 NST's a week not until the baby is born. I am epileptic and not sure if that has anything to do with the weight of my baby although I will be asking when I go in Thursday to c her. But besides the weight of the baby what does the 15th percentile really mean and is there any website I can go to to read up on it and should I really be worried?? Thanks!!!
Criticly rate my 5th gen pokemon team?
Your pokemon team is perfect. Apart from the fact that you got Thundurus on your team. Yes, he is annoying but he isn't good at all & the moves he learnt have low pp & low accuracy. Thunder is good but remove focus blast. Put something like Ariel ace there. My opinion, don't use legendaries at all. It just ruins a good old classic pokemon battle. If i were to replace Thundurus with a pokemon, I'd replace it with hydreigon. He's a good multi pokemon (good in att, def, speed, sp att and so on). But Thats just my opinion. You don't have/need to take my advice at all. Hope this helped :)
How long should it take for an umbilical cord stump to fall off?
I read somewhere anywhere from 7 days to 4 weeks? It'll be 2 weeks tomorrow for my son. And should it greenish underneath? It's becoming looser each day but we don't wiggle it or anything. I looked under it today and it doesn't look gooey or oozing, but it does look greenish. Almost like the actual base of the cord is what has turned green.
Pregnant Dealing with harassment?
I'm unsure of what to do but I am currently dealing with harassment from my live-in MIL. My husband and I are currently in the works of finding a new place without her and in the mean time are stuck with her because she has nowhere to go and has been living here for over 3 months. I am 9 months pregnant and I have epileptic seizures that are made worse by stress. She will do things like throw my clean clothes in the floor, take my food from the cabinets and put it somewhere else, so I can't find it, she's thrown my dishes away, and alters my food if I leave it out or don't finish it and leave it in the fridge. She does it I'm aware to get a rise out of me and my husband so she can call the police and have me arrested. She has lied and told them I've slashed her tires, and I threatened to kill her two times already. Then she'll threaten my husband and block him in the driveway so he cant go to work or hide his keys. I'm at the very end of my rope, I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown which Im sure will have a bad affect on my pregnancy, but I don't know what to do. If he says something to her, she attacks him, I never say anything to her because she only verbally attacks me. Is there any way I can get her to just back off, like a restraining order saying ok you can live here, but don't touch her things, don't speak to her. I don't say anything to her, every since she became like this towards me, I do everything to avoid her, but its affecting my health and I don't need this right now. If I could leave I would but my money is tied up in purchasing a new house. The home I live in now is in my husbands name, he purchased before we married. I live in Georgia.
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